Kashering Service (Featured)
Select options for price. Holiday pricing varies. HOW IT WORKS:
Fully enjoy your villa’s kitchen with peace of mind!
Koshering Process Information
At Klein’s Rentals, we take great care to ensure our items are kashered using reliable and widely accepted methods. For countertops and sinks, we use the Iruy Kli Rishon (עִרוּי כְּלִי רִאשׁוֹן) method, which involves pouring boiling water directly from a pot that has been heated on the stove. This is a standard method of koshering and does not involve the use of Even Melubin (a heated stone or metal).
What You Should Know
Koshering Method: Iruy Kli Rishon (boiling water poured from a heated pot).
Surfaces Koshered: Countertops and sinks.
Additional Details: We do not use Even Melubin in this process.
If you have any specific concerns or follow additional stringencies (chumras) regarding koshering, please contact us before placing your order. We are happy to discuss your needs and accommodate them wherever possible.