A Guide To Help You Activate Shabbos Mode On Your Appliances
Press the light and lock button at the same time and hold it for several seconds until you see SA bb.
To turn off Shabbos Mode click and hold the buttons again.
All Samsung refrigerators have sensors that can be deactivated with a magnet. The sensors are in located in different places depending on the model. The most common places sensors can be found are on the top of the inside of the fridge or on the side.
It is likely the magnet may need to be taped on to keep the lights off.
Samsung Fridge – Shabbos Mode
- Please see video for step by step Shabbos mode activation.
How To Activate Shabbos Mode On A GE Oven Range – Model 1
MODEL 1 – With + and – symbols at the center.
- Please see video for step by step Shabbos mode activation.
How To Activate Shabbos Mode On A GE Oven Range – Model 2
MODEL 2 – With the numbers at the center.
- Please see video for step by step Shabbos mode activation.